Hawaiian Black Lava Sea Salt
A rare treat, this stark black Hawaiian sea salt is harvested from evaporation of sea water in the island of Molokai, in Hawaii. Full of minerals, this exotically beautiful sea salt has a nicely balanced nutty flavor thanks to the addition of activated charcoal to achieve that stunning black color.
Hawaiian Black Lava Sea Salt is comprised of small, delicate crystals of top-grade Hawaiian natural sea salt that's bonded with activated coconut shell charcoal, for a bright burst of salty flavor balanced by smoky charcoal. This salt is lower in sodium than standard table salt.
With latent minerals in the sea salt along with the binding effects of Activated Charcoal not only does it a nice pizzaz as a finishing salt it binds the toxins in the body and flushes them out all the while giving a nice crisp smooth flavor.
Health Benefits:
- a powerful antioxidant
- helping to remove toxins from the body
- fight premature ageing
- assist with stomach and digestive issues
- maintains healthhy blood sugar
- eases dandruff
This a rare find indeed! Get yours today!
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